Kamis, 06 Agustus 2009

maanie bersama hagrid

Justin Cage telahh pergi ,, sekarangg kami maanie ada di Intermediate 3 bersama mr. Giles .. Mr. Giles itu orangnya tinngi gede, gendut pula !! Dia dulu pernah jadi DJ di England sana ,,, (ciehh). Orang nya thu satu-satunya guru Kelt yang funky abis, punya piercing di kedua telinga dan lidahnya . Rambutnya kriting kruel-kruel , mirip banget ama pemeran hagrid di harry potter, makanya kita panggil dia Mr.Hagrid . hahaha

Mr. Giles mungkin jadi guru impian murid-murid Kelt. haha. Orangnya sabar , baeek bgt. Dia ga marah kalo ada yang lupa ngerjain peer , dia jugag kalo ketawa lucu banget ..

oo yaa,, sama si Mr.Hagrid itu , akku dipanggil miss weasley ! Mungkin gara" aku suka pencilagan di kelas, tapi lemod banget .. dan suka ngomong "wadd?"
dan kalo pelajaran aku sama mephin suka nya nyanyi" dan meluncurkan semboyan "GO GREEN!!" haha. dan waktu si mr.hagrid nerangin, aku suka nya nggosip ama indy. hehe

yyah,, moga ama mr.hagridd ini MAANIE tetap berjaya !!! Yeaahh !! :)

created by : meeme=)

Kamis, 18 Juni 2009


huaaa maaanie anna kangeeen, i love you all so mad

Sabtu, 06 Juni 2009

more than BULE !

well, its been a long time since i wrote the last articel in this blog zz
so here it is ...
ceritanya beberapa hari yang lalu, gini ini ::
yaa,it was an ussual day, so was our class nggosiip cekakak cekikik sanasini ngrasani guruguru (ngrasaniny baeekbaeek kok ;p). a couple minutes later, anna's idol was coming (ceilee anna's idol euy ! well .. anna's idol : justin hekekek). at that time he told us to do a task well to be truth, i forgot what the task was hahaha. and then, we read that one by one.
nah, when one of us's(baca : laurentius andre) turn came, suddenly a whole of the class was laughing (baca : ngakaak) apalagi NIKO .. dy it ngakak yang mbahnya ngakak jadi ya wuahhahahahahha . kaya gitu laah -___-' . well, yang terjadi adalah andre tu baca 'italy' jadi 'aitelai' huwaawawawawa. justin aj ngakak bzzzzz . waah, si andre lebii bule dari yang bule. yang bule aj ga gitu zz.
nah, harii itu juga justin juga jadi lebiih indo darii kitakita yang indo well, it was a game time. then, he said 'w' which is supposed to be 'doubelyu' became 'wee' huakkkakak he's more indo than the indo ..
--the end--

okeiii ..
P.S. for all member of MAANIE, get your PC and start writing for our blog !! :[

see ya :) anyway tambahaan .. Dan K, pas pake bajuu bebas ganteeng pol :D kaos oblong+clana 3per4 :: waaaw :)) hahahaha

Rabu, 27 Mei 2009

Kepada seluruh member maanie

heh sing ga eksis, ayo bikin POST. jangan satu dua oranga aje (membanggakan diri)
bikin loh yaaa, ayo bikin ! seenggaknya 5-10 post lah huehehehe
selak pisah lo sayaaaaaaaaang, oke ya? oke dooong
sip ;) tingtinggg

Sabtu, 23 Mei 2009

placement test (indy's version)

PROLOG :: about a song named and then he kissed me, i absolutely forget the lyric, unless AND THEN HE KISSED ME . oyaa, ann.. tulisan 'and also Dan K' di artikelmu . sangat teramat kecil sekali poll . bahkan di hpkuu, ga kebacaa saking kecilnya =.=' .

okay, enough for the prolog :)) . let's start it .
this afternoon, about 2.30 p.m. i came to the KELT . i saw anna and meph were outside (pasti nunggu aku :D !). i was walking towards them .. suddenly :
anna : "inddyyy .."
me :) : "yeeaa ann ? nape ?"
anna : "dan k ! dan k !" (sambiil otak atiik krudung)
me :) : "knappa ?? kamuu kena dy ya ? gimanagimana ? enakk ?" (ak tw dr smsnyaa anna)
anna : "diaa ... diaa .. tau blog kita !!"
me :) : "whaaat ?? sriuus lo ?! diaa baca smua ato gimana ?! gak full inggris loh, diaa baca yang indo juga ?" (gerak tubuuh :: ya lebaii ya egaak :p)
anna : "g tauuk . g tauk ak . yang jelas diaa tau . tadi diaa ngguyu.ngguyu gitu .."
awawaaw . well , that's freaking me out . kaloo dirunut .. kita emank cukuup blakblakan menulisnya . hufht . ga tauuk de . yang jelas ISIIN POLL -___-' .
[ann, bneraan ga si ? diaa baca bner ?]

a couple minutes later, anna was going home . niko and andre were in the computer room (having a date maybe .. hehehe PEACE ;p) while i, meea, nd meph were in the ..(is that library ??)
. nah, beberapa kalii dan k lewaat . beberapa kali ngomonk , salah satunya, "hei, i still remember you, guys . hahaha".
nah . pas di rumah, ak baru ingeet . beberapa hari yang lalu anna,indy,mea,meph ngoment salah satu artikelnya diaa, pokoe, intie :: kamu inget kita ta ?
hahaha . padahal itu niru koment di atasnya hahah .

well, terus nih .
daakdikduk .. nunggu dipanggil ..
tibatiba setelah bolak balik mondar mandir dari atas ke resepsionis, dan k baliik ke resepsionis dan ngomonk "ELVINAAA .."
hahaha , lucu juga liat ekspresinya mephiin waktu itu "AAAKHHH .. looh ? UKKHH .. EEKKHH .. loo, yak apa iki ?! AWRWRW . aduuuh wedi aku .." (sambil acakacak rambuut, jalan bolakbalik, ga tauu kudu ngapaiin, kayany strees bgt ..) cukup lama meph bereaksi sampek dan k nungguin di tangga, sambil bolak balik ngomonk "come on .. come on .."

akirrnya, meph digondol jugak am dan k . weeess . tambah nervous dahh . tinggal ak am meaa .
oh GOD .. no ! that would be me after meph . arrwr . then, i saw ANNA (ini guruu, bukan anna.ny zulyana) coming down . oohhh no . ooh no . i was so sure, she would be my examiner .. arrwrr . unfortunately, i had heard some students (nama diseensor, okay ?) said she's not really a nice teacher . AWAWAWAWAW . then she picked my form, oh .. great choice ! (i knew, she couldnt read my handwriting . hahaha .. i saw she asking 'mbaknya kelt' about the name .. hahaha . sorry ann, but i was still so shocked when i wrote that ;p) .
tuktutktuk . we're going to room 6 . and ... yess :)) . she's my angel :D . she's so kind . ANNAANNAANNA :) . fiiuh, thanks GOD for not sent me dan k on my test :)) . well, i knew i would be so nervous if it's dan k . hahaha . yaah . meski tadi juga nyandeet nyandeet, at least there were some words came out of my mouth . hakakak .

ooh . abiis itu .
ak nunggu yang laeen kluar . udaa kluar smua , kite ngrumpii, niko am andree juga nimbruung . nggosiip sini situ . meph pulank, meaa juga .
kite be3 ngrumpii teruus . sampek lampu lampu di resepsionisnya dimatiin . baru deh sadar ak :: loh ? uda slese ? uda mauu tutup ??
akirnyaa ak pamiit pulank . dan guru guru juga kayanya uda pada pulank . bis pas ak baliik ke mobil, mobilnya dan k udaa ilank . ya suudaa .

OG :: well, now . i hope the MAANIE (yang di our beloved day : sala , harusnya M bukan W) will always be together . i hope we're not gonna separated . i hope we'll always in the same class . and i hope GOD hear it and let us to be always together :)) .

love MAANIE :)) dan k juga deh :p .

lampiran from anna

our battle song : And Then He Kissed me
first time's sung by Margareth on Mid 1

the lyrics ..

Well he walked up to me
And he asked me if I wanted to dance
He looked kinda nice
And so I said I might take a chance
When he danced he held me tight
And when he walked me home that night
All the stars were shining bright
And then he kissed me

Each time I saw him
I couldn't wait to see him again
I wanted to let him know
That he was more than a friend
I didn't know just what to do
So I whispered I love you
And he said that he loved me too
And then he kissed me

He kissed me in a way
That I've never been kissed before
He kissed me in a way
That I wanna be kissed forever more

I knew that he was mine
So I gave him all the love that I had
And one day he took me home
To meet his mom and his dad
Then he asked me to be his bride
And always be right by his side
I felt so happy I almost cried
And then he kissed me

---- Instrumental Interlude ----

Then he asked me to be his bride
And always be right by his side
I felt so happy I almost cried
And then he kissed me
And then he kissed me
And then he kissed me

placement test for general course (anna's version)

ok guys lest start our lesson by singging our beloved battle song And Then He Kissed Me

I knew that he was mine
So I gave him all the love that I had
And one day he took me home
To meet his mom and his dad
Then he asked me to be his bride
And always be right by his side
I felt so happy I almost cried
And then he kissed me

Then he asked me to be his bride
And always be right by his side
I felt so happy I almost cried
And then he kissed me
And then he kissed me
And then he kissed me

right then, *sigh*
today's weary day *sigh* and it make me take a *sigh* for many times
hari ini gue placement test di Kelt gilaaaa, kalo ada si Justin Cage pasti gua uda ngomong crackers berkali kali abisnya gila banget tuh yang ngetest -__-

Jadi gini loh yaa, when I was arriving at Kelt maybe at 1.30 p.m the-most-beautiful-school-assistent asked me to fill the formulir (whatever). then she asked me to wait for the call (opo ae seh mba mba). oke intinya saya nunggu sama bunda di ruang komputer. I had been waiting for about 20 minutes, then i came to the receptonist's table and looked for my formulir. "mba, kira kira aku sm siapa yah? kok lama banget sih aaah mudah mudahan NO Dan K yah" I talked to the receptonist. "Wah ga tau yah, liat aja siapa yg ngambil"
BRRRRR my heart beat so fasssssst

about 5 minutes later, Dan K came to the receptionist's table and took one of the formulir. unfortunately, THAT WAS MINE ! MINE ! ANNA'S FORMULIR.
then he came close to me and ..
oh gosh, suddenly I felt bad. I thought I got stomachache, headache, backache, legache, armache, fever, hay fever, chicken pox, hepatitis, flu, typhoid, diarhea huaaa
we went upstairs, to the room 6. there i got interview.

sebelum interview :
Dan K > So, I've seen your blog. and there's me, right?
me > my blog? sorry, did you meen MY CLASS BLOG?
Dan K > YAP ! that's.
sumpahgilakuntilanakgenderuwokalongwewepocongduniaruntuh MALU DEH GUEEEEE
kebayang ga sih, tengsin banget pastinya
secara di blog ini tuh para penghuni kelas pada ngelu ngeluin dia banget huaahuhaahuaa
and you know what? BLANK for interview

in the end of the interview,
Dan K > OK, good. very good !
batinku > good opone oom? tampangmu iku good ;p
Dan K > now you must do this test. just like your mid test. write your name and cross the answer, now let's go to room 9
oke saya masuk ke ruang 9, setelah si Dan K pergi of course i took my handphone and wrote a sms for Indira hahahaha

after finishing the test, i went downstairs and put the test on the receptionist's table. and i met nico, andre, and elvina. i told them that Dan K has known our blog. of course they were surprised yeahyeah. a few minutes later indira came and i also told her the same story about Dan K. She was surprised, oke BENAR BENAR SURPRISED si Indy sampe teriak teriak gitu. sebenernya pengen pura2 ga kenal ah malu tapi ya gimana I love you Indi hahahaaha

then I came home and wished them luck for the test

I LOVE YOU MANIE and also Dan K ;))

Sabtu, 16 Mei 2009

our beloved day :)) .

well , scara nyanggkut kelt a.k.a leslesan inggris itu, ak nyoba AGAK mbule ya ??
right , then .
we (or maybe just me --one of the WAANIE-- ? anna , you're in, right ?) can't wait for the next saturday (23 mei !) .
hahaha , we're gonna do our exam to get to the general . hakakak . sama orannk tuwa abis ini ! this afternoon, anna sent me a text . it told me who's gonna be our examiner on sat. there're 3 people .carly.margareth.dank., only one of them would be our examiner .
haiiio .. dipiliidipili .
yang jelas buatt cewecewe (khusus meph, brlaku untuk phil) bakal buatt beku kalo kna dank . hahhha . be2 di ruang yang keciil itu ? oh GOD ..kelt , ada baiknyaa beli pmanaas . jadi kalo kaya gituu , kitaa ga bakal mati beku . hehehe ;D .

special :: dan, if you open up this blog and read it . please, dont laugh ! ok ?

separuu hati , minta dites dy . separoo lagi kagak . buah simalakama, laaah !
why , dan.k ? you'll know it if you open up our profile :)) .

well .. before the day coming up . we'll still gonna meet justin a.k.a cage .
justin is our teacher, right now .
honestly , i still dunno which part of his body (or face) which looks like nicholas cage .. (ann, you owe an explanation to me) .

maav yaa .
tulisannya sangat tidak berbobot . dan tidak menggunakan kaedahkaedah bahasa yang baikk dan benar , baik indonesia atoo inggris .
jujur . WAANIE hanyaalah bloggerblogger pemula yang bingunk mau tulis apa .
jadi untuk sementara , ini tulisannya .
hope you'll enjoy it . and 1 more thing , whis me luck for 23rd may .
thx for reading :)) .


tak kenal maka tak sayang, not know not love (-___-)
oke pokoknya skg kita kenalan

Elvina Yuliana a.k.a Meph a.k.a Vampire
"kamu tega Vin, nolak dia? kasian loh"

Indira Utomo a.k.a Indy
"indy, mau curhaaaaaat"

Laurentius Andre a.k.a Andre a.k.a Rocket
"he, Ndre nyante taaa ! kalem

Nicolas a.k.a Nico a.k.a Terminator
"ditolak? jangan nangis loh Nik ;) tingting"
Winda Puspadimiati a.k.a Meme a.k.a Windy
"uda putus ta?"

Zulyanna Shuri a.k.a Anna a.k.a Zuzu
"wes yo Ann zz"

oke that's enough, see you and godbye hauahahahahahaha

mulai blogging (about us)