Senin, 24 Mei 2010

What The ... ?!?!

there's someone there who keep saying bad words to me , swear , curse , or something like that . for something I didn't do . for something he did .

I really want to face up against him , punch him , and talk all of bad words grammar I have !
doesn't he realize that he's the one who broke me up , who left me for a strange girl . in two weeks time .
If you think you're good , you're not gonna do something that bad .
you're just a fool , boy .

are we cool ?
yes we cool .

and .. I keep silent , and do nothing. coz I know maanie is here for me . :)
there's lot of fun and tears to share with ..

there's no more dangerous thing to be afraid of than yourself .
so , if someone say the thing like that , just treat him like he's a jerk !! :D

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